Adds turbine generator. Adds buttons. Reactor is self-sustainable after a kick start (you could turn NEUT off and see). totally destroyable.
Ions: I think the reason Gen-4 would go kaboom when oil was fed is that Gen-4 runs at a much higher temperature of ~2000.C because of better core design, while Gen-3 runs at 700-1000
In fact I could use unpowered PBCN instead of TUNG, and get rid of all the meltdown happens in the core. But explosion is fascinating so meh
for neut recycle, I have a design WIP, could find that in Gen-5. No doubt, I'll use dumb approach to do that.
ZeeQfar: my main goal is not no clone tho, it's making it destroyable without DEST etc. as much as possible. so you would see a lot of dumb approach like BTRY & PBCN, instead of INVS & DTEC.
Ions: I couldn't find it either, it ppb being deleted
also for no clone on the neut you could have a phot-glow setup with invs
all the power is just btry
tacooooo: nonto stole your save, for some reason I can't get the ID now
Nice power plant!
mmm deut go boom