Test for comparing the destructive capabilites of bombs of all types
@PlasmaBomb2500 Not a bomb then. Still destructive, but a different category.
mine would get infinity because it is infinite
@novatimal that's actually part of the test, if bombs are able to completely clear the screen it comes down to how well they remove the remaining diamond
delete DMND logo
All bombs have been re-tested and re-scaled
I have updated it so that it's shorter, more accurate, and factors in destruction, time, and heat.
someone needs to make the smallest most powerful bomb they can
@AntoniLingwista If it works it works. It was useful for me, seems like it's useful or at least enjoyable for others. I didn't realize TPT elitism was a thing.
5.1 lets go
so you just floodfilled the thing with FILT, made a circle in the middle and called it a save... noted