6 / 1
7th May 2011
15th Apr 2012
My AA-12 Shotgun I handmade,pixel by pixel. This one took me about 2 hours to make. It was fun to make. Not as fun as my UMP45. DO NOT STEAL OR BE SHUNNNNNED!!!! :P But seriously do not steal.
aa-12 shotgun elemant56 ele56


  • elemant56
    2nd Jul 2011
    Thanks that means alot ^-^. I like the AA-12 also :3
  • AviatorGuy
    2nd Jul 2011
    Yeah I hate people who do that I spent close to two hours on a save and it became negative as soon as I posted it. But nice AA-12 it is my favorite shotgun!
  • alin
    3rd Jun 2011
    i know. jealous haters probably
  • elemant56
    26th May 2011
    D: Y would someone downvote??? I worked hard on this. Just think how you would like it if something you worked really hard on was downvoted without explanation. Really.
  • elemant56
    12th May 2011
    Lol. Or he will fire the Widowmaker at you! >:O rawr.
  • alin
    12th May 2011
    if you copy this i shall eat you
  • elemant56
    7th May 2011
    This save ID is cool too. Just like my UMP45. This save ID's first 3 numbers are 321. lol double Pwn!