seriously it will kill you in a matter of years affecting your lungs making your ability to hold your breath shorter and then blacken your lungs so DONT SMOKE!
dude powder fire quit getting mad at him he is stating the truth
oo my fucking cock sucking god you are a fucking zionist jew shut the fuck up go suck your goddamn balls i dont give a fuck if i will be banned all i care about is you need to shut the FUCK up!!
just a question how many times did you be banned on powdertoy?
shut ur punk ass mouth, u talk to ur mom like that?
its not bad to smoke weed shut the fuck up
so your saying that its not bad if your lungs blacken cuz thats how u die DUH!
The only bad thing about it is "making your ability to hold your breath shorter"
how do u know that huH?
It's bad to smoke, but posting on powdertoy won't change anything.