8th Jul 2011
6th Jan 2012
Attemp 2 after the last one failed.
stickman death for high pressure
The goal is to kill the stickman,not destory everything.
So actually, it sucks for nuke testing.
You couldn't have destroyed your own bunker. It's not possible. The ground beneath the sand is wall, which, if you read the tooltip, you would see is indestructable.
The ground is idestructable!!!
And I changed the desc. to what it should really mean.
What walls,Let me remind you that this bunker can surivie most nukes unless it has BOMB in it,Yes i destoryed my own bunker
yea....indestructible walls not fair make it destructible and ill pwn it in 10 seconds
It's still the same. The walls are indestructable. As a Destroy challenge, i dont like it. As a bunker, however, it rocks.
check my profile and try napalm on small entrance :)