17 / 8
7th Sep 2011
12th Sep 2011
This is my third and most advanced version of a smoke alarm with sprinkler system. It detects smoke then sprays carbonated water onto it extinguishing it most of the time. If you have any ideas or have found any bugs please comment
smoke carbon delay dlay bubw water crabonated electronic alarm dioxide


  • ilikecheese321
    18th May 2023
    It's not an actual smoke detector, it just activates like 5 seconds after doing nothing.
  • RealTimeyt
    19th Nov 2020
    Its timed
  • Windspren
    31st Dec 2015
    It sprays water as soon as I unpause -1
  • OpasnyyPotsyk999
    26th May 2012
    doesn't work if i add fire below the coal
  • FG_Team
    9th Oct 2011
    Oh, another thing: you may use life to cool the gas to abs. 0.
  • FG_Team
    9th Oct 2011
    Good, but doesn't work twice or more. also, too big for real use in other saves. You may consider using ptct gates.
  • Jimmyfriend
    24th Sep 2011
    and it can cool the coal cool down, while water pours down along with CO2 eventually stopping the fire.
  • Jimmyfriend
    24th Sep 2011
    Since mst of the time fire starts from the bottom, prevention from the fire spreading would be amazing. Ex: LO2 concentrated on the top, after water removes all of the fire, so LO2 wont burst into flames
  • Error
    10th Sep 2011
    Haahhahhaha i turned it in2 a massive flame thrower xD muahhaah
  • kingportabello
    9th Sep 2011
    nice! just sayin though, the pump is quite a bit overpowered in my opinion... this is an extiguisher, not a mining implement! XD