There will be options available and you guys vote on which option we should choose. The one with the most votes wins. There will also be random events. And can the hater that keeps voting down please stop?
i know that and i know some people (im in the biggest group in powder toy)so i can help
when i say 'vote' i mean vote on the options, not vote up because i could get in trouble
nothing really, just everytime i make a new scene i need you to vote and i might not make a scene anytime soon cos i have to go aswell. ill need a couple others aswell if you know anyone
cool ill vote and help just i olny have like 20 mins then im of for like 20 hour after that so ok whta do u want me 2 do?
also, i need people that will always vote so this thing actually moves along, so if you guys are interested just tell me and i might make a thankyou and credits and stuff
it depends on how quickly people vote. they work in stages, after people decide which option to take, the next stage begins with the results and new options are opened, then we vote again
lol they'ed probably drink it!!!!!!!!!!!
btw how fast does time move in this thing like 1 hour = ?
i might, but they arent civilised enough to know what to do with it
ok thats cool