Can you please give credit for the ammo mech which I made but you turned upside-down and coated with diamond?
hey dirt i perfected a three round burst mech!
You can use my mech off my A2 if you want.
sorry dont know how to make it 3 round burst
BTW, since this is not 3-rnd burst, it's a M16A3. And for the record, the A3 does NOT have a removable carry handle! Just putting that out there for any noobs who have never fired one.
forward assist to literally ram the bolt into place, it's very useful when the weapon becomes dirty.
No, the forawrd assist is used to assist the forward movement of the bolt after hitting the boltcatch. E.g. if you put a new mag in and you release the bolt, but it doesn't completely return, you use the
wait is forward assist used to secure the bolt?
Well, at least some of the ideas I introduced are being used, that's always a good thing. +1.
no need to spark the forward assist it doesn't do anything i just added it to make it more realistic