25th Nov 2011
25th Nov 2011
No Description provided.
i vaporized in one click, without the eraser
So weak, I made one that is like 5000x stronger, yours doesn't even put up a fight against dest. But the thing that was 5000x stronger was messed up because of an accidental save..
Where is the part that puts a fight against DEST? it dies instantly where was the "fight" part
Easiest way to destroy this thing is by placing 6 Electrodes all around this thing and then set all of them off. They all react with eachother. And if you have them positioned correctly, then plasma Arcs right into the Middle of the Bunker. Not exactly fair, but it worked. And it melted the bunker like butter.
id:2251913 try agaain
My bomb didn't kill him, the pressure created by it did.
mine is indestructable. id:1727391
My UVB pwned this, but other bombs not
my op hax bomb melted the your logos and its ment for perssur not heat lol
its not the anti-pressure bunker so...stickman inside got killed really easely