I might be getting an Airsoft ACR with Hybrid Sight!
ya haha we both have two saves on the front page yay
element, element, element, element, element...
On the front page : epicksl, epicksl, epicksl, epicksl, epicksl, episl, epicksl... Good job.
heck no haha and i have two at the same time whoop whoop
haven't we had enough guns on the front pagee?
Thanks for the front page guys i had no idea i would make it so far
Congrats on FP. You should work on the pistol grip and the mag but otherwise very good. +1
ok, can you help me with it? i made most of it work, except it only fires 8 rounds but i want it to fire 10. the code is 611191. thanks, Lynx.
no youre not a noob dude your pro