Depicts a pistol being fired. Made by the one and only me. No copy. More to come. Enjoy. If you have a pistol and would like to feature this on your save, ask and you shall recieve.
Thanks Paradox.
KK convo me tomorrow.
complete textbook
Use a convo.
Um, if we are going to do it together want to convo on forums or make a save and chat?
Sure merciless. karolk, I don't know why anyone WOULDN'T support PAST.
past is agains trolls and thieves whats bad on that ? i support it too
IronRhino: Would you like to do a bomb together for the TPT project since we are both in pyrotechnics?
Oh, boy, do I appreciate that! Thank you for being a dick! Please don't come again! I am not a supporter, I am the creator.
if your supporting P.A.S.T this piece of crappy trash doesn't deserve to be in the front page