Don't tell me this isn't a Wunderwaffen. If you saw one of these guys rolling at you, you would be amazed.
Um, dumbass, look at the color version.
um no color, this sucks
And it would be the equalvilant of and aircraft carrier in a task force-plenty of escorts.
These weren't actually ment for direct combat. Only long range shelling.
@rhino- make it a 2000lb tallboy bomb. or even a large landmine- this cant crossterrain well, blow a track off its stuck. not to mention you cant fullly armor the whole thing, and its easily flanked
Only on the Nazi drawing boards.
I love this thing so damn much, but does it really have exist?
And Rattes. But 250 mm of front armor? Maybe it wouldn't even matter.
massive target for a B29, or any fighter w/ 500lb bombs. not to mention arty. same issue with the prototype "Maus" tank.
The cool thing is, this was an actual design. It was scrapped in 1943. Good thing for us. :/