I will post a save with id, telling everyone about this save, and telling them to feel free to post hate, if you don't delete this. DO YOU UNDERSTAND MR NOOB?
Either way, it won't let me report...-_- EVER THOUGHT ABOUT ME?! HOW I BLOODY FEEL? Coz I'll tell you how I feel...I FEEL SO FUCKING ANGRY AT YOU!
Still not deleted? *sigh* I have much better things to do than deal with you. Unsure how this got an upvote, you probably have another account, so you upvoted this to make you feel better. Either way I may as well treat this like Zelda CDI; pretend it never existed, and that you never existed.
Delete this before I report you. I made this first. You copied it, and I had already deleted my original version. NOW DELETE THIS PILE OF CRAP.
delete it, plz. u are trolling me so bad now