10th Mar 2012
16th Apr 2013
Here's the example I made for you. It took me awhile to redecorate the whole thing, but thanks for fixing my PBCN thing. I gave you credit for it and also you did a nice job. Thanks =)
Uses alot of FWRK but atleast it isent just a ball of compressed deut. +1
Wow, it blow the whole target up! Nice bomb.
pressure bomb! :D , love pressure bombs!!!! :D
awesome bomb
Just look up a save called for oats. It works
I tried all that but every time I get an unexpected symbol. The same goes for when I use pbcn from the start. This is why I choose to use regular bcln in the to begin with
You need to remove all thdr or other things that can set it off. Go to console and type !set ctype bcln thdr then type !set type thdr none finally type !set type bcln pbcn