14th Mar 2012
10th Apr 2012
Idk. Anyways, as you might tell, I enjoy video games and pixelated art. Feel free to "donate" some art, I will provide credit as well.
try pushing the red button!!! LOL
i have to tell u something a guy named jappa stole your rocket simulation even look up user:jappa
So i herd u liek mudkipz!
Actually forget it, they are all bad...
Oh great and powerful bbdest! I donate to you anything from my pixel art page if, of course, you will take it, oh wise and merciful one xD
LOL XD dest=DESTroy so it destroy allmost every thing XD
actually, it has nothing to do with dest. It's been my username since before powdertoy
LOL your name is bbDEST and you destroy things with dest XD
ik i might not be of much help but if u need help try to contact me xD
no problem