25th Mar 2012
23rd Jul 2012
Uses lightning to randomize some liquid crystal on an equlizer I made. The counter thing is made by WinstonsDomain, modified to fit my equalizer. Inspiration credit goes to him too for the idea, as far as randomizers go.
personally, i like DJspiderize's equalizers, but these are good too!
i love dubstep to
put pscn over the wifi channels used part
Lol, when you click on this (to see comments and stuff) the box appears to have a happy face :) . Nice save, fun to mess around with. +1
Nice job, bro! +1
great concept!
i agree, it makes me masturbate in bed lol
very sexy :)
I know, its the best it will ever do with the same variables. its only really good for an equalizer, as shown here.
not quite random, theres always the same two that take the most hits.