The first Wi-Fi club project.If you want to enter comment here.The winner will win a new ranking.If you think it is really hard you cant receive the super ranking.Members must be qualified to receive super rank, so this is a test.
-BadSeed click the link to see his design
Yay :D lol i hated my robot, i suck a making stuff look good, onnly making the functions work
whats leadrz design again?
You're still the winner LeadrZ, because Maplecrest4000's robot was poor in design
someone posted their robot on the homepage wall
777696 i nevr published it in the first place but its still there
Sorry i was unable to get on for a few dYA
-BadSeed republish the robot.You cant delete him
-BadSeed republish the robot.You cant delete him
Maplecrest you cant submit a fire club project!