V.E.I. stands for Volcanic Explosivity Index, going form 0 (non-explosive) to 8 (ultra-plinian), based on how much material the volcano ejects. V.E.I. 5 is 1+ cubic kilometer, however, the scale goes up in powers of 10(V.E.I. 6 is 10 KM+)
A VEI is determined in Tephra ejected in the Ashfall
it automatically erupts... whenever what you said needs to be on IS on... why?
looks like a nuclear vulcano...
vei5, .2-2.4 cu miles of ejecta; vei6, 2.5-24 cu miles of ejecta... true fact
But first, lemme fav this save.
The V.E.I. scale is measured by the amount of material the volcano ejects, NOT how explosive it is. And when you say 6 is 10X more powerful than 5, you are thinking of the Richters Scale, used to measure earthquakes, NOT volcanoes. Learn the difference.
VEI is explositivity, not melting power. This is probably a 3. The scale works on an order of magnitude which means a 6 is 10X more powerful than a 5. Krakatau in Indonesia was a 6 and it was heard exploding in Australia.
Why won't anyone make a volcano exploding from it own accumulating gasses like a real volcano? (Referring to you since you kept insulting someone's save and told them a little something about Earth Science)
No, there's a scale that measures volcanoes, you can google it.
thats earthquakes i think