New and improved soldiers. Now featuring the new team and color of Germany! If I get the support needed, I will make an even better series of games based off my old soldiers wars. Let me know what you think!
okay, sign ups for the war are out.
ha, yea nuclearwarfare, there is going to be an extreme update. That is why i need active generals. You'll decide whether you'll be offensive or defensive and stuff like that. More strategy involved.
I remember making trophies in the first war and had to give one to my own team. I hope to see a new winner this time around
Ha, sorry, no Australia this time around. After the first game, They will definitely come up as one of the losing colors. so just gotta wait about 3 weeks!
Make Australia :D
I made a logo for you, what color do you want it to be?
yea im working on that, i just wanted to see if anyone would be able to pre-sign up so im not scrambling around like last year ha
I think people would be more into it if you made the level for the war first to let them know it is a game.
Okay, U.S. and China have been chosen already, I need 4 more active members who want to join to pick a team
wow, first downvote i recieved on here. Its legitamate, would help if you down-voters would actually say why, or explain your reasoning, but thats okay, go back to your little corners.