New and improved soldiers. Now featuring the new team and color of Germany! If I get the support needed, I will make an even better series of games based off my old soldiers wars. Let me know what you think!
One more thing- I think blue team should be England and Green should be USA.
Hmm...I'd say he would have duel daggers. Can't think of many other short range weapons.
ha, the second war never ended... basicaly red won it though. Red officially won the first one. And, what weapon should the german commander have?
Hold up.. I'm sorry for not remembering but did we win soldiar war 1 or 2? Also, German commander needs a soviet hat and a trenchcoat.
absolutely nuclearwarfare. Red team right? and its gonna be a bit until the game comes out... i am upgrading it all. lets just say, bases will be made haha. any ideas for the german commander though?
Hey Kev This is just because of being the winning commander last time, but would it be okay to come back as a reigning champ and be with my team again?
Okay, need a new idea for the german commander. People, once i get an idea, I will make a new game out of them! it will be like my original 'soldiers War' but improved. so help me out!
Okay, thanks for the tip man!
Umm.. nun chucks are not identify-able. You should try to make the color opposite. Chain black , and the other part white. +1 btw.
Thanks man! Hmm, an axe might work... and nun-chucks... Fantastic Idea!! haha, I'll try and make them as soon as possible. THanks again!