88 / 16
12th May 2012
2nd Dec 2020
Spark the bottom of a warhead to detonate it individually. When replacing a warhead on the missle, delete the warhead that is already there. If you dont do this, some of the warheads wont work. Credit to sandstorm for missle exhaust method.Thanks for fp!
atomic missle rocket bomb warhead jklujm


  • Deine_Mutter
    24th Apr 2020
    Besides, you probably wouldn't be able to make something like this. You can spark the green thing at the bottom, too.
  • Spartanwar118
    16th Nov 2016
    VV TRY WAITING! it takes a moment..idk why
  • Jackson24
    31st May 2015
    This is stupid. didnt work at all
  • jklujm
    18th Jun 2014
    I like to use names that I am certain won't be taken on any sites. And it is convenient to type.
  • megamageiii
    18th Jun 2014
    You are one of my afavorite users. But I have a question: Does "jklujm" mean anything..? Or were you frustrated with "username is taken"?
  • jklujm
    13th Jun 2014
    Thank you
  • SGAtlantis
    7th May 2014
    Someone has copied this under the name "asdf" and I have reported him. (This copier forgot to erase your logo so he is a failer too)
  • Sandwichlizard
    21st Apr 2014
    Nice save jklujm. +1. I do not see how this is a copy. note to all, actually look at the save id before jumping on the band wagon.
  • jklujm
    7th Apr 2014
    If the reason you accused me is because of trapcrazy2's comment that you didn't investigate to see if it was true, we can forget this.
  • jklujm
    7th Apr 2014
    I would never stoop as low as copying. I don't know how I made the impression on you that I would.