7 / 1
9th Jun 2012
3rd Dec 2012
The possibly 1st TRUE warp engine ever built in TPT. Warp engines propel spacecrafts by shooting hot/excited, light speed, electrolized particles out the back pushing the spacecraft forwards with the same amount of force. Light is alot of force!
powerful light production ion fusion nuclear efficient energy quick warp


  • GAPDaTsar
    10th Jul 2013
    I've been trying to solve Alcubierre's drive. You have to use general relativity formulas, spacetime formulas, vectors in 2 to 4th dimensional space, the 4th being time, you have to use the metric tensor, tensor product formulas and vectors represented in a 4X4 matrix. The 4 being, again, the 4 dimensions you need vectors to to get the metric tensor with the tensor product formulas.
  • G-LinuxorU
    28th Jun 2013
    Its not a Warp Engine those only exist in theory, what you made is an Ion drive, it crams energy into Ions(in this case Photons) then shoots them, propelling a spacecraft forward with as much energy as you can cram into a Photon. You should note the current Ion drives have as much forward propulsion as the weight of a piece of paper in your hand pulls down.(So they would only accumulate speed in space/vaccums)
  • danman2626
    7th Jun 2013
    warp drive warps space and does NOT push the space craft forward or any other direction for that matter
  • GAPDaTsar
    28th May 2013
    I know that. It is not the engine that moves, it is the space that the engine moves around it. :P
  • harryk
    24th Mar 2013
    Warp is not an action-reaction propulsion. It utilizes a theory called alcubierre drive, which involves distorting space to achieve FTL velocities. Google it. NASA is attempting to create a real alcubierre engine.
  • plead-for-destruction
    9th Jun 2012
    The "Read more on warp engines" should be neater but i like it otherwise
  • Nab1929
    9th Jun 2012
    Awesome! +1