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so maniak you saying the dragon art wolf art and even the nebula art isnt good? this is called line art. andd i respect it.
@maniak everyth can be art! & there are no signs where u can read "Art is forbidden" .. powder toy has enaugh space for a few art saves e-e
LOL i burned it! hahahahaha 1+
This shouldn't be on fp. There are other good things that can be on it's place. And what's this thing anyway? it doesn't look like art
@ Jremigo; If you have no saves that are good, then why are you insulting one, when its so much better than any of yours?
i had a save called ice tree once, it got fp, but then pple disliked it and it went down and died after 1 hour, the save has been deleted
cool. @Mihobre, this is calming
What is this? This doesn't deserve FP. No I am not jealous either. I have no saves that are good.
I'm a brony, btw.