5 / 0
19th Jun 2012
28th May 2013
My first smoke/heat detecting device.
hot gas detector extinguisher fire dragono313


  • Dragono313
    29th Apr 2015
    If you look closely, you can see the detector wall is behind a wall which only allows for liquids to pass and only gasses can enter the detector from below. Therefore only vaporized liquids (which are hot of course) or other hot gasses (which will force water out of the sponge) are able to set this device off and you statement that it would just detect any gass is false. Try it yourself: solids and liquids cannot even enter the detector and cold gasses will not set it off.
  • Ryan316
    19th Apr 2015
    it doesnt only detect hot gas. oxygen sets this thing off. so do all of the gases. it just detects gasses because you have the wall there.