Inspired by sarzon's smallest electrowarp gun, which was inspired by webdude53's smallest electrowarp gun, which was inspired by sarzon's original Electrowarp Cannon. Mean to advertise the original concept, which belongs to Sarzon.
you can also use it as a rainbow cannon
@armykid441 That's how you're supposed to do it xD
hold arm until theres no more exot in the chamber. then press fire. it looks like electrons are magicly appearing. +1
no its fine i don't think thats stupid i have done that many times
Oh, i thought you were saying you were making your own versions... I feel stupid. Anyways, the upgrades will be very helpful. Thanks!
-sarzon's upgrade shop (:
im done but i haven't done the contest one and the electrowarp bomb ill give you the ids in a moment then you just save the ones gave to you. ps give credit to-
well they are your save im just making them better and giving them to you
Hi! Sorry about not talking much, trying to thing of more exploding stuff xD I approve your idea about upgrading my saves, just give credit, etc etc you know the drill.
if that you want i can upgrade all of your saves (not the contest one)