We survived according to this. We must be good in 2036 :)
Nuking it is the worst thing to do apart from ignoring it. That would split it up into pieces that would crash around the whole world not just one spot.
This is incorrect. Apophis will swing by Earth in 2029. If it passes through a 500m wide keyhole it will return in 2036 and possibly hit Earth. However it is much less likely than you said.
@HandicappedWalrus: DUDE! AGAIN, JUSTLIKE WHAT I SAID TO YOU ON sjd704's SAVE! YOU'RE THE ONE NAMED "HandicappedWalrus"!!!!!
Go put on your tin-foil hat and warn somebody who cares.
@Lockheedmartin: whats with the colored font? is it part of a mod or something?
@EXCISIONWrong. Estimated effects of the meteor is far below than what might (Theoretical meteor) have wiped out the dinosaurs. Around a few hundred megatons is the effect, compared to a 50 megaton. hydrogen warhead. Second, trying to strike a meteor with a warhead is foolish in most sense because of the EMP wave and radiation in space you just unleashed (So technically you're going to wipe out technology and create far more effects than letting it strike). Last, he meteor is estimated to be the diameter of somewhere a mile less. To put that in prospective, that's only 3 football fields. The warning you have created won't do much except scare the people who do not do research before commenting or posting.
i say humans destroy meteor and next we kill humans