omg, i forgot to put id. ID for my alloy: 1550591
Made new alloy, restated in signup page. It is very scetchy and crude, but it works for the meantime. I will modify if doesnt meet any criteria.
The Alloy in this save is quite simple, shield is what it says it is, a shield. if its broken, the clone regenerates it. you have to make a bomb that can break the clone before it regenerates the shield. Really, its quite easy to destroy. You need to make your bomb use pressure, not heat. But you kind of have to make heat... but anyway.
fusion blaster id:1338537
I forgot. Alloy is id:1338553 Fusion cannon is id:1338537
I made a alloy that can withstand both example bombs easily. Can I join? I commented on the homepage too.
id:1323964 is my new nuclear battery! Please tell me what you think, msasterisk!
Mikanielle join requests go in homepage. U can join though.
Sorry rexy, but only fusion nukes are accepted. How to make one: put HYGN around your fission nuke.