Makes hydrogen particles from their basic subatomic components! Spark the green button to go! Rate and comment.
Sure thing, i'll get on it.
hey can you make me a gun for my nuclear round ill send you the id in a momment
no you just go to my save i make called nowaku island ask to join and il give you a house and some money also fav the save so you can go to it fast il help you some more in the club
Thanks a bunch for the upgrades! Also, I'm not sure what you mean by the houses, and I haven't a clue how to join a club :/ do I just put the logo on my saves?
then give me the id and you can start
also please join my club nowaku island it just started so its not working very well but i can give you a house and some money to buy stuff with take one of the houses it "houses" and save it yourself
heres the rest!-917951-915382-917040-917055-917063-917044-917039
917037-nuke maker upgraded!