16th Aug 2012
16th Aug 2012
this was not all my idea, i thought of it a while ago but did nothing about it, then i found it on the forum and it might actually happen! so credit to everyone who helped come up with it! (you know who you are) I HOPE THIS GETS MADE!
or not...
actually, it might! (in tpt++) it's on the forum and they said they might do it!! however it is extremely unlikely to be like this and it would be in a VEEERY long time.
A simple answer is this will not happen.
then what is the product? mario? i dunno im just bored
LOL!! nice one skattz, but sadly, no. when you mix the elements LINK and ZLDA, and they 'interact' the product is not the element BABY.
LINK: A type of stickman that spawns elf trying to save a princess. Interacts with element: ZELDA ZELDA: Princess in the LINK story. Interacts with element: LINK
there will be a page 2, this one doesn't tell you much.
DO NOT UNPAUSE!!!!!!!!!!!