A power plant I made with a control area. The power plant is easy to manuever and even thoigh this may cause radiation in the real world, there could be a cooling system(already inserted) which would cool down the power plant in this case reducing risks.
...? It doesn't explode, I can't find the problem.
Still exploded with heat off. The 0 votes are very telling. Your cooling won't turn on. And there is pressure leaking from something because the brick is breaking.
lol (comment too short)
PS...HI >>> :P
Turn off ambient heat, try that, because I tested it 3 times. (No explosions)
Melted with heat off too! Reason: faulty cooling system.
O.K...rephrasing. It melted! (again) I think from heat on.
It cannot explode, the uranium and deut is covered in dmnd and there is major pressure realeased to cause an explosion.
Exploded. -_-