adds in binary then converts to decimal. please dont steal this took me a long time to get right.
is the best of the best but needs to be upgraded to a max 999 instead of 99
There we have it, the best calculator on powder toy. Absolutely brilliant.
sorry thats the best looking keypad that i know how to make. if anyone has a better one let me know.
Cool. +1. But the input keyboard looks horrible.
if anyone has anything elctronic they want made just tell me and i'll give it a shot. i am by no means an expert like ben the crazy but i hope to be someday.
thanks for the input guys. keep it comin.
use bray, it shows the parts you need, and it fades away nicely :)
What did you do? I had heat and gravity on and it still worked.
wtf?? 1+3 is 88 lolz
@inception- it isn't for cooling. It's for showing sections, but I agree it needs to be removed. Nice calc, though. Fast and can add multiple numbers. +1