This house is on an island.4 people were traped here so they made this home and found a heep of stuff in there boat to make it. 2 people died from sam eating them when you saw your ran and hid.
@oliverzap maibe you stole it from him
lol goteem
Oliver, yours is uploaded in august of 2015, this is uploaded in june 2011, so no.
try id:1835162!!!!!!!!!
you stole this from me!!!!!
I made it beutaful with positve and negative gravity wells! :D and nice work on the elctronics, i couldnt make a proper electronic thing for my orange crush soda I just remembered!
you did an awesome job... i might copy.
@Jennyjelly, look at the i.d. this was made a couple years ago. for the creativity in a save this old, it pwnz
awesome 1+