Is Powder Toy going against new saves?

  • BuysDB
    6th May 2013 Member 3 Permalink

    O my god, not this again. Why do you guys hate people who make proper saves so much. Almost no one ever reads the creations forum and too much noobs upload ... noob saves, save bumping is absolutely necessary. This is punishing the wrong group, when people are abusing the system you should simply ban them, there is no need for more limits in any form.

  • Catelite
    6th May 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink

    >.> If people can't advertise on the forums, and we prevent them by proxy from advertising in the game, then we don't really have anything else to offer them.


    Besides this, we don't exactly have a convenient way of telling when people are overly much abusing the upload repost function. The By Date category is supposed to show people which saves were posted most recently, and wasn't intended for use to advertise saves for popularity.


    It's not a deal of whether the function of disabling moving saves to the front when republished so much as figuring a way out of the problem that doesn't break what's established already.

  • jacob1
    6th May 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    If we are going to stick with this, some other way for people to discover good saves is needed ... i'm not sure exactly what though. Maybe a group of people to look for good saves? Bumping was the best way before, but doing this means a better way is needed.

    Edit: posted before I read above .. I should read it now
    @Catelite (View Post)
    I don't understand the first part ... but I guess what people are saying is we just need a way to advertise saves somewhere that is in the game. We can't expect people to go online in the forums to do it, because that's something new to them where most people haven't gone. It's like telling people here you have to go to some website you have never seen before to make the chances of front page higher ... most people won't do it, they only want to play the game.

    Maybe if people are using by date to advertise their saves ... we should make a place in game to advertise. If you think it's good you just post it somewhere specific or something to make it seen more.
  • Catelite
    6th May 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink

    I suppose. The chief deal is that making a place for advertising saves is going to turn out just like everything else without some form of explicit moderation. eg, full of newbie saves that people generally don't glance twice at. It would avert -most- of it since most people probably who are saavy enough to post their saves would know how to use any form of advertising we build into the game, but I'm not seeing where there is an easy solution to that.


    Open to ideas :O

  • Box-Poorsoft
    6th May 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • cyberdragon
    7th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    This post has been removed by jacob1: ... drama, also no idea what you are talking about
  • Tatr629000
    7th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    ? i'm confused... why is the reason you can't reupload multiple times?

  • coenmcj
    7th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Two quotes for you.


    "If you build it they will come"


    "No society is perfect, there will always be lawbreakers and those that don't understand."


    So in essence, any open-to-all site will have noobs and trolls that descend upon it like flies to a carcass, you just need to find one (Or a few...) workarounds which atleast lessen or spread out the impact so the decent users have a good chance, I've seen it in a few online communities myself where the good people are drowned out by those that just exploit the system for personal gain. (Whome in turn get no attention themselves because of it)

  • PTuniverse
    7th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink


    Two quotes for you.


    "If you build it they will come"


    "No society is perfect, there will always be lawbreakers and those that don't understand."


    So in essence, any open-to-all site will have noobs and trolls that descend upon it like flies to a carcass, you just need to find one (Or a few...) workarounds which atleast lessen or spread out the impact so the decent users have a good chance, I've seen it in a few online communities myself where the good people are drowned out by those that just exploit the system for personal gain. (Whome in turn get no attention themselves because of it)


    True, there is no perfect. You may get the thing you wanted, but not in a way that you wanted it to be...why were we talking about this again? I thought we already knew that "there is no such thing as perfect". Besides, we already got "simple" yet good solutions, like a large but fair (like 1 to 3 hours or so) time limit instead of cancelling it out completely (We did have a limit of 20 seconds before, and we still have it but it has no use because we disabled the function). 

  • boxmein
    7th May 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @PTuniverse (View Post)
    The time limit actually means that the save server doesn't have to open up your save file so often, which reduces server lag and makes for a happier user experience.
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