Is Powder Toy going against new saves?

  • PTuniverse
    6th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    OK, so we had a recent update about 87.2, we got TUGN, GOLD, and the other good and awesome features, but what I've noticed most is that re-posting saves over and over isn't going to send it back to the front. My main practice for the recognition of my saves (how it gets to FP) is keeping it on top of the first By date page (where the most people would look). Because this "bug" is not here anymore, not only will the "saves that deserve recognition" independently not get a chance, but then the people who use a similar practice would have to go to Creations to let their saves flourish, and other threads like "Want your saves noticed?" will recieve an increase in activity, in which work becomes hard for certain people. This will mean that the saves that flourish quick enough will get to the frontpage, which barely ever happens with overflowing "noob saves" that have no purpose, reason or any right to deserve recognition at all. If we are to deal with this problem, at least lend us a hand with an addition or so.

  • boxmein
    6th May 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Oh I for example dislike the very idea that this save-bumping could even be done, aside from it actually being done.
    The very idea that one can, by simply spamming the server with re-saves (and filling the history!), keep a save visible and steal attention from saves that actually are new (sorted on the by new page, mind you!), is horrible. I thoroughly support this functionality from being disabled and suggest an alternative "Rising Saves" section for saves that might just make it onto front page.
  • therocketeer
    6th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @PTuniverse (View Post)
    Its an exploit that was fixed. Come on man, its blatantly cheating...
  • jacob1
    6th May 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    I think you are ignoring all the noob saves that will overflow all the good saves in 3 days. While constantly keeping it on top might be cheating, having it take 3 days just to bump a save is just far to long and I think will negatively affect the quality of saves on the front page. Last time we got rid of bumping completely, we had to change it back (I can't remember why, probably this). Excessively advertising all over the game and posting it on the forums the only way to get your save noticed now, but this shouldn't have to be the only ways.
    Everyone already got used to bumping to get your save noticed, and even I did too. I had to do it to get all 3 of my front pages, none of them were noticed on their own without save bumping. Probably most people here have done the same bumping too. I don't really consider it cheating at all, since if a save is bad or just ok, it still won't get front page only because of this, it will only get the votes if it's good anyway.
    I think the limit should be changed to be half a day (or maybe a little less?). That allows you to bump it every time it gets lost in all the other saves, and doesn't allow you to bump so often that it's in the first slot for a few hours. This should be something people for and against it should agree on.
    Another idea that might be good is to split By Date with a new section that only has the saves that have just been published. This might be a good idea too.

    @boxmein (View Post)
    the "rising saves" aren't too good right now unless we redo the front page algorithm ...
  • boxmein
    6th May 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Increasing the front page threshold maybe?
  • PTuniverse
    6th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink


    If we are to deal with this problem, at least lend us a hand with an addition or so.


  • greymatter
    6th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @jacob1 (View Post)
    YES. decrease the time to 6 hours. This is probably the way that got me most of my previous front pages. Just say, i publish some save. It gets buried by noob saves. So now the only way someone will see it is if they specifically search for that save or when they take my saves arranged by date. The chance for this to be happening is really really small, unless you are ultra famous(even then, the chances are small.) This change goes against new saves. I agree. I say either reduce the bumping time to half a day(6 hours) or even less, or just take off the bumping time.
  • Catelite
    6th May 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink

    ...Actually, guys. Easier solution to this problem?


    Resume using the Creations subforum to advertise the stuff you want on front page. If people ignore it -here-, then there's not much else that can be done. The reposting deal was fixed because people were deliberately abusing the repost function to get their saves closer to the final date, so there's not much we can do to fix that.

  • greymatter
    6th May 2013 Member 1 Permalink
    @Catelite (View Post)
    Well as far as i can see half the threads in creations are totally ignored.
  • jacob1
    6th May 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    Also most people don't use the forums. We can't tell people in the game they have to advertise on the forums to get the front page, that doesn't make sense. Being in both places helps, but we shouldn't make the forums the only way because most of tpt is actually in the game (unlike many people on the forums that only go on the forums). I think we just need to decrease the time to a more reasonable amount. I would like to point out this whole thing started with a script iamnumbers made that automatically clicked the resave button, and obviously noone else is going to do that again ...
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