I'd recommend making a bomb with a creative idea behind it and strong pressure like thunder and a good heat source. Like plasma
It is good to test bombs with all materials especially cities just copy and paste ur bomb into a city or bunker and lets see how it goes.
Shrapnel is the little pieces that come off a bomb or grenade. A common shrapnel grenade is the Frag Grenade. It isnt the explosion that kills them, its the metal plates flying off.
(This is becoming twitter, but with "@s")
Thanks you guys, im releasing my first bomb fairly soon, in about 2 days. I used most of your ideas. ^^
Nice here are one of my most creative bomb parts you can use, but you must give credit or your save will be taken down.
Magnets how do they work! (Just had to mention that LOL)
The thread title was a reference ^^