How likely someone is to open it
Make novel shit.
- Would you find it interesting if you saw it?
- Has it been done before?
- Has it been done this well before?
I mean really, it's pretty simple. Think of something that would seem amazing to you, now go and make it. Every save that I intend to get front-page does so, because I know exactly what people will think before they think it.
@mniip (View Post)
how would that help .-., unlike what some people think we don't decide the front page, it is automatic.
@grisha5 (View Post)
A lot of it just depends on luck, but proper advertising is important. Sometimes you can post a link in the creations forum, or resave it every once in a while (hopefully improving it :P). To get on front page you need to get votes quickly.
Is it possible for an old save to get a sudden spike in popularity and get FP that way?
if you want many views make home pages so you can connect the saves i did get 50 more views by doing it
if you want many likes make amazing stuff
if you dont belive home page works look at this save:
One of my FP saves, Stickman Diving Pool, was actually republished countless times until I got lucky. Every day, I would check to see if it was on FP, and if it was not, publish a new one and delete the old one.