Most Wanted Feature

  • Earthbright
    11th Jan 2018 Banned 0 Permalink
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    Edited once by Earthbright. Last: 11th Jan 2018
  • optimus2006
    12th Jan 2018 Member 2 Permalink

    I want MEMES (SHUT THE $(&*#%*#%(*$&%(*W#&$)#$*&#)&%)#(*&$ UP, YOU STUPID CRYING IDIOT!!! JACOB1 DOESN"T LIKE MEMES!!!!!)

    Edited once by optimus2006. Last: 12th Jan 2018
  • hii
    12th Jan 2018 Member 1 Permalink

    i would like an update please

  • Earthbright
    12th Jan 2018 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
    Edited 5 times by Earthbright. Last: 19th Jan 2018
  • Notherdimension
    18th Jun 2018 Member 1 Permalink

    My most wanted feature is more possibilities to do more, have more console commands, and have no limits in temperature, pressure, velocity, etc. I really want to stress test The Powder Toy, see it's true limits, and i have gone to many lengths with varying computers to try and crash it but its just so reliable, i love it.

  • moonheart08
    18th Jun 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    the temp, pressure, and velocity limits are there for a reason: to prevent the devs from tearing their hair out over handling very large ranges of possibilities. Also TPT is rather stable. Your best bet to crash it is to feed it a malformed save file :p

  • 12Me21
    19th Jun 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    It would be neat if STKM was actually useful

  • _Theo
    22nd Jun 2018 Member 0 Permalink


    the temp, pressure, and velocity limits are there for a reason: to prevent the devs from tearing their hair out over handling very large ranges of possibilities. Also TPT is rather stable. Your best bet to crash it is to feed it a malformed save file :p

     I wouldn't classify tpt as stable, crashes lots for me, and I have a beefy PC aswell so it's not because of my pc.

  • moonheart08
    22nd Jun 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    @TuDoR2007 (View Post)

    I would like to provide my 'wat' for your viewing. You should go bug Jacob1. 

  • NF
    22nd Jun 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    @moonheart08 (View Post)

     That was rather rude, my most wanted feature would be a element that acts like a moderator. Instead of water that boils above 100°celsius. Also I am not sure if this is considered necroing, due to it being useful. Plus jacob1 has a job I suggest message lockheedmartin or Mrprocom, if jacob1 doesn't get to you. Don't annoy them, they are humans with lives too.

    Edited 2 times by NUCLEAR_FOX. Last: 22nd Jun 2018