My most wanted feature would be a 3D TPT with a room size of like 10^1000 pixels in each dimension, running at one frame per planck time, with good controls and the ability to run on even the oldest, least optimised computers and operating systems.
Make this for next update pls :P
Ppl are crazy sometimes :/
I guess my most wanted feature would be realistic fire, as in letting a fire burn in a sealed container would simply stop the flames and instead start creating smoke gas.
However, implementing this would:
1: BREAK a lot of saves (good reason to rather make it a mod/toggle function, like water equalization)
2: Take a lot of time to actually program, since you basically need another layer to be in TPT, which serves as your oxygen indicator.
Yes. it would basically cut the framerate in half, since it would need to run two separate TPT simulations at once, one for the normal elements that you place, and another for the Oxygen consumption.
However, the problems it has could be solved by tying VENT and VACU into it.
VENT creates oxygen and VACU destroys it.
However, this is just me being the typical firefighter. I like this sort of stuff.