@shroom207 Well, it is proven that America is the least knowledgable, and a synonym of that is "stupid", but yeah stupid is pretty harsh...
Also, I live in America (I lived in Atl, Georgia for 3, then Hong Kong for 4 1/2, and currently 4 1/2 and counting in California), but actually America is way behind the rest of the world in tech with computers. America's average broadband is around 5.1 mbps and is beat by 27 other countries, Japan the highest at 61.5 mbps... In general tech, we are at least in the top five, but Japan is the winner is almost every single type of tech there is. Also the hover car is very basic: It shoots electricity, with a very highvoltage, in a certain arrangement of wires (the arragement of wires is the secret part). Because of the high voltage, the air around the wires is ionized, creating a small amount of downwards air currents, which give it lift...
Hover cars are old news... have been around for a long time, at least the standard ones. I was under the impression that most of the new technologies come from some of the Asian countries.( a year or so ago they, Japan maybe, made a TV paper thin...). Note that the American media, makes it sound alot better then it is... although it may be as powerfull or more powerful then it states, it is slowly failing, I think it will recover. That is just my opinion based on statistics.
55% of Americans do not know that the Sun is a Star.
also in reference to Intellegence, After i got over my speech imparement, my IQ increased by about 10 points a year... now is 143, and i took a proper test, not just a useless internet one.
@andrewdavidloftus I just looked it up america in number one in tech not japan are you using wikipedia its editble you know.Weirdly america is so called dum then why is its technolgy like that then i think somebody might be wrong. >_>
The scientists are smart, there are always smart people, i would be worried if scientists didn't know the sun is a star. most of Americans are not scientists, there for you are assuming that the scientists represent the overall intellegence of the population. That isn't a very good assumption.
Was the website you visited American? do you have a link?