Apologies to everyone

  • tieinterceptor
    1st Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I was user: Stardestroyer and used 5 other accounts to do..you know. i was a retard, but i'm only 12 years old,so please forgive me.
    special apologies to powershroomsattack for forgetting to delete stolen project.
    don't pressuerize me, it's me first year at high school, enough trouble gained.
  • Neospector
    1st Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Dude your 12 and in highschool? Most people are 15 or like me, 14. O.o
  • Ace
    1st Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
  • tieinterceptor
    1st Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    year 8 Australia
    yes i am 12
  • jalfor
    1st Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink


    Dude your 12 and in highschool? Most people are 15 or like me, 14. O.o

    It is only like that in america
  • shroom207
    1st Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Dude thats just racist. :(
  • Ace
    1st Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    So from known data the lowest and highest ages of people at any point in the TPT community as far as I know is 9-19.
  • The-Con
    1st Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I was 12 when i was in year 8. There are people older than 19. I don't remember who but there are some in their 20's and maybe 30's.
  • andrewdavidloftus
    1st Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I am tweleve too...
    I am in 7th Grade, but am taking 9th grade (Freshman level) english, social studies (geography), and spanish and 11th grade (Junior level) math and science... And I have all A+'s :D...

    I am living in America, but the reason that I take such high classes is because I lived in China (Hong Kong) for four years, and at my school in Hong Kong, well... It was really hard, and they pushed you a ton to advance in all of the subjects, so I thank my school in Hong Kong for my advanced level in school XD

    And actually, from experience: It is true that America is considered to have the least knowledgeable people compared to the rest of the world. And compared to the rest of the world, China is considered to have the most knowledgeable people, due to how much they push you to advance in school: It is very hard, but worth it 100%

    No, jalfor's comment was not at all racist. It is based on heavy fact. Not one study on levels of worldwide knowledge have not come back with America being the lowest, and China being the highest. Sorry to say, but it is actually you who is being racist, because you made a backed fact out to be racist, so you are the one insisting it...

  • shroom207
    1st Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I was guessing and it sounds like he is saying.America is stupid >_> i was up all night. America is a very young country its the youngest so we are still learning but its the most advanced country as well you know in technology. Do you know they have hover cars over here people cant drive them but the goverment made one.
Locked by antb: Country bashing and potential flaming, besides, we all know the UK is the best...