bbg looking for 2 admins

  • Uberness
    23rd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Please, learn to spell. I'm the same age as you.
    Or get Google Chrome because I'm tired of the misspelled words.
  • Fluttershy
    23rd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Bloody hell, dude? Muck something up? What did you do?
  • Racer-Delux
    23rd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    To this date, I have only met one 10 year old that was not obnoxious or irresponsible.

    Some advice, you want to set the age limit for admins at 14-18. The less mature the admins, the more chaotic the forums will be.

    Also, few mature people would want to accept this position if the person trying to get their services cant use the correct form of "by".


    No offense to the decent young people out there.
  • SupremeSamurai
    23rd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Well said my friend.
    Your use of punctuation, grammar, and spelling is extremely poor. I'm younger and yet, I'm able to show a decent performance of 'being Literal.'

    Pay attention in your English lessons, Okay?
  • aaronhance007
    23rd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    wtf if u dont want to be a admin dont post my spelling has nothing to do whith it why are people always trying to start an argument
  • code1949
    23rd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Why do you have the different threads for the same group? You could just post this info in the original thread for your group.
  • aaronhance007
    23rd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    because this is about admins for the site
  • cctvdude99
    23rd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink


    Above thirteen? FAIL! I can make a website and I live in Britain. I can also make wikis and stuff. OH WELL!

    Hah, you are young... 13 ftw.
    (Some people think I'm 11, as they take the '99' from 'cctvdude99' as being my date of birth, they are, however, off by 2 years. 1997 FTFW...)
    My grammar is pretty good (as you can see), so I guess...

  • aaronhance007
    23rd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    if u read properly it said 10 and iam 14
  • snowfire777
    23rd Mar 2011 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned