must have knolage about how to use webs (or other providers) be the age 10 or above (need a responsible person) must understand the english language because the site is in english
what you have to do: update forum on site new descusions and topics lock threds that dont go bye the rules settal any arguments
what you can do: invite new members tell me to remove some one from the group(whith reason) help people in the group on pt site or our site
but i can be irsponsible to but whith kids they can think it is funny to muck something up because they think its funny and if it would make people happy i will lower the age limit to 10
10 year olds are not responsible. I'm 14 and I have experience in every field you have, but your own immaturity and lack of proper spelling/grammar has deterred me from even considering taking such a position. Come back when you are mature and capable of running such a site.