O. O Um why did 2 people just get banned oh wait what just happened that was very creepy sam and delete appeared banned.But i think it sucks 1# for its blocky thing 2# Houses take forever 3# About 70% of the game makes it suck.
@shroom207 +1 I agree with that because (now you pesky mods can't hide it for rule 15): The textures = Rubbish (apparently you can improve them yourself, but I only have Paint for image editing). A cow/sheep/random pointless animals = 2 blocks stuck together that move around. The game = Has no actual point to it. Most online games have some sort of a storyline or something to bloody do except for something completely pointless.
That's the best reason I can come up with for it being a stupid game. I'm not flaming, just expressing my opinion in an organised, polite way.
@cctvdude99(View Post) I saw it before i evan started commenting on the fourms lol. (Which was months ago) I only remember it being in the random comments thread and you know how long that sucker is...