
  • PowerShroomsAttack
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I dunno if someone already made a post like this, but I love minecraft and that is why (if you were wondering lol) I have been gone so much. Please reply if you share interest in Minecraft, and may very rarely give you my server Ip. Thank you.
  • andrewdavidloftus
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @PowerShroomsAttack (View Post)
    I love it!!!
    In my first 10 hours, I found 3 dungeons O.O

    I have made a H--U--G--E mob farm
  • DCBloodHound
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    it kinda bores me,i can't find a use when playing it.i have build a tower high into the sky made only out of glass.68 furnaces,allot of TNT and a hell of allot of coal and sand was used.
  • pwrocks5648
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    ooh iv got the beta of minecraft and i got two houses and one is in the cloud layer another is in a hill :->-: its awsome im making a pyramid right now and its gonna have traps everywhere
  • cctvdude99
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I would -1 this, but it's now against the rules unless I give a decent explanation.

    Because (that's the part that stops it from breaking Rule 15) I think it is taking over the world, with the evil money making plans of the creator... Nahhhh, *jk* =P I don't play it, probably never will.
  • Sam-12
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I only just started playing minecraft 2 hours ago and I can't take my eyes off it. It's just too addicting. By the way IS there a way to change your spawn point? I lost my house because I made it far away from my spawn point and died.
  • cctvdude99
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Fail. I have no idea what you're on about, but: Fail.
  • Sam-12
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Yeah, BIG FAIL. I spent ages searching for the perfect spot, ages clearing the spot and ages building the house.
  • shroom207
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I just went and, played minecraft earlier guess what happened :D.What is shroom207 going 2 say i wonder is he gonna say it sucked or is he gonna say it was epicly awesome.Guess what it... sucked anyone can ask me why i said this i will answer them.I will give you the reason why it sucks. (Sorry no flaming please)
  • deleted-15166
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Why, shroom207, do you think it sucked?