I am for groups, they're great. However what is VERY annoying is when someone makes a group that is EXACTLY the same as an existing group, or one to join only for the sake of joining. So i propose a rule that if a group is created it must be DIFFERENT from existing groups, and have a purpose relevant to TPT.
Its not pissing me off, I mean if you see a group dont click on it and dont say anything. If you do in fact say something like 'No more freaking groups'or'stop createing groups' then you too are commiting the crime of spamming.
@toyou1995(View Post) Yeah, I agree. It should just be that they can't make a group that is the same as another, it isn't there because a group didn't let the leader join, and that it should have to get at least 3 members in the first 24 hours. And there should also be a rule against making a group to combine almost all the groups into one, or any others like that, that just takes away the point of merging.