Yea I suggested that too a small while ago ( In a post, not an entire thread... ) That or a total new forum for those groups But seriously why groups? We don't need that....
@roguegeneral--(View Post) No i have not but my point is there are way 2 many groups.There should be a rule that stats no more groups the groups we have can stay though.
@Finalflash50(View Post) How about a button that hides all the groups threads for you from the recent threads? Also it's not that we don't like them, it's that they take all the space in the recent threads
@Finalflash50(View Post) You seem 2 not understand the exsisting groups are 100% fine.But people who keep on trying for groups it gets annoying your just not on the fourm that much 2 see it.Just about every single day atleast 2 people try 2 make groups.@mastermind Is also right.