It runs nicely 61 FPS on nothing display (completely nothing to show, all options off), but on fancy display it drops to 15 - "gravity lensing" must be option I also noticed good speed improvement - when I load save, - these most demanding, (no deuter explosions) its now 10 - 15 FPS It was like 5 - 10 FPS
When all options are on, AND its fancy display its only 7 FPS....
Hi, recently, powder toy hasn't been working properly. I scanned my computer for viruses and i removed them, but when i clicked on powder toy nothing happened so i restarted and nothing happened when i clicked on it. I redownloaded powder toy and it still wouldn't open. Any suggestions? -CaptainAmerica
Make sure your computer doesnt think The Powder Toy is a "Threat". Maybe a little messege that pops up on your screen if you try to open it? I hope this helps (A similar problem happened to me).