New Elements

  • TheScarecrow
    11th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    true, at first but think about it, wen any new element is added u hav to do a similar programming to determine the speed of which the element falls. and with the tab it could just be a similar system to the side bar with the elements that activates a certain side script add-on script that allows a change in the script itself that reverts wen the program shuts... also the change in the black hole to stop it absorbing matter would only be a few lines for the add-on to edit... its not as hard as you would think... if it wasnt for the fact i only kno the theory side of programming i would help to program myself...
  • Wilq
    11th Jul 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • jma111
    11th Jul 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • triclops200
    11th Jul 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    jma111 we only add elements that would add to the fun of the game for a lot of people, most of those are either too obscure or unnecessary. neon isn't being added but right now we are adding a NBLE for noble gas which ionizes into plasma. I'm thinking about doing battery next.
  • erwins_cat
    11th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    i've tried to read the entire thread, but after a couple of pages my hand and head are hurting so much due to excessive facepalming ...
    no offence, i have to say that, sry

    the new elements should have interesting properties which can't realised with previous elements (like NTCT and PTCT etc). therefore, we dont need another 510927482 elements which only can burn or explode. or the new elements should have new interesting interactions with other elements (like water, dest. water, salt water [densitiy change etc]). FIRE + *insert-random-explosive-here* isn't interesting at all. there are alot of other elements named here without imaginable suggestive properties or interactions.

    here an idea for an "usefull" element:
    a gas (or maybe a liquid, too) with a temperature-dependent mass (or strength and direction of "gravitational force" in game).
    ok, at first it sounds weird because mass is independent of anything but the "physics engine" of PT isn't capable to handle complex gas laws. however, maybe some cool effects can happen: convection in gases (and liquids). warmer air ascend and colder air descend - maybe someone remember that.

    advanced reading:
    minor problems: let's take water as an example. in the coding-tutorial you can see how gravity works: every particle has a fixed value for the gravitational pull and a sorted weight (nitro is lighter than water etc). so, one has to subdivide the water in different parts with fixed values:

    (line 638)
    water1: 0-20°C, normal gravitational pull
    water2: 20-40°C, lighter gravitational pull
    water3: 40-60°C, even lighter grav. pull
    [gravitational pull difference not crucial needed for liquids]
    for warm gases you just have to use negative values for the gravitational pull so they will float.

    and sort their weight (line 696)
    mass of water1>water2>water3>...
    so, the coldest water will be at the bottom. one can code an additional state for water 0-4°C with lighter mass so a sea will freeze at the top first.
  • vsams14
    11th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    erwins_cat, I totally agree with you. The game does not need millions of elements just for someones whim, it needs realistic items that cannot be made in any way using the elements already in the game and that have interesting properties. I was working on a similar game and one of my friends suggested "cake", so i asked what would it do, would it have any uses? and of course, the person wanted this element "just because"...
  • triclops200
    11th Jul 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    I created a NBLE (Noble gas) to the official code which Simon added and has the following properties (it should be in the next official release): It ionizes when sparked creating pressure and high temperature plasma, when the plasma from this die, it turns back into NBLE. It is completely inert until ionized.
  • Mrlegoman9
    11th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Remarkable. In the current version, AND all the past versions that have plasma, Heat up Gas the 3500 while paused, and it will make a plume of plasma and fire!
  • Mrlegoman9
    11th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    So everyones saying that gas should be able to turn into plasma, And yet no one bothered checking if it already did.
  • jma111
    11th Jul 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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