To do many commands at once, you can write them to a script file. Just type the normal commands in a text document and from tpt do the command 'dofile("filename.txt")' You could also save the file as 'autorun.lua' and it will run automatically.
You can change pressure/temp transition values as well. This will make it have no high temp transition.
tpt.eltransition.watr.tempHighValue = 10000
tpt.eltransition.watr.tempHighType = 0
To make something have no transition, you use an impossible high/low temp/pressure number.
All values you can change per element are,
'presHighValue' 'presHighType' 'presLowValue' 'presLowType' 'tempHighValue' 'tempHighType' 'tempLowValue' 'tempLowType'
Here is an example of making DMND melt into EXOT
tpt.eltransition.dmnd.tempHighValue = 400
tpt.eltransition.dmnd.tempHighType = tpt.element('exot')
tpt.element("name") returns the element number of that element, so you don't have to look up its number.
Thanks cracker!
Edit: how do you use ?
Nice and working. Btw, I included the ''conductive'' property in my autorun.lua script.. and the element ''AWSM'' conducts only once. It's good since it makes the AWSM element be usefull in electronics, but I don't know how to make an element conduct more than just once, neither the conduct speed..
Ok thanks, now I know how to when I actually want to change (or create, if someone creates a tpt.el.create thing) a conductor.
What about ''conduct to X, but don't conduct to Y'', and the speed?
you should check the lua parts, they are full of usefull commands, here is my favorite page, because it gives all the basics (look a little lower and note that meltable is corrected in the source code since about 81.3)
This thread was alearedy dead, and you just bumped it to say there are a lot of usefull commands in another one. We alearedy know the commands, you just bumped for no reason at all.