Colour: Color in hexadecimal code. Go to to find the hexadecimal code (at the top) for your color. The hexadecimal code goes AFTER the "0x" prefix, always.
Advec: How much the particle is accelerated by moving air.
Airdrag: How much air the particle generates in the direction of travel.
Airloss: How much the particle slows down moving air (although this won't have as big an effect as a wall). 1 = no effect, 0 = maximum effect.
Loss: How much velocity the particle loses each frame. 1 = no loss, .5 = half loss.
Collid: Velocity is multiplied by this when the particle collides with something.
Grav: How fast the particle falls. A negative number means it floats.
Diffus: How much the particle "wiggles" around (think GAS).
Hotair: How much the particle increases the pressure by.
Fal: How does the particle move? 0 = solid, 1 = powder, 2 = liquid
Burn: Does it burn? 0 = no, higher numbers = higher "burnage".
Exp: Does it explode? 0 = no, 1 = when touching fire, 2 = when touching fire or when pressure > 2.5
Mel: Does it melt? 1 = yes, 0 = no.
Hrd: How much does acid affect it? 0 = no effect, higher numbers = higher effect.
M: Does it show up on the menu? 1 = yes, 0 = no.
Weight: Heavier elements sink beneath lighter ones. 1 = Gas. 2 = Light, 98 = Heavy (liquids 0-49, powder 50-99). 100 = Solid. -1 is Neutrons and Photons.
Section: The section of the menu it is in. Prefix everything with 'SC_'.
H: What temperature does it have when created? Temperature is in Kelvin (Kelvin = degrees C + 273.15). R_TEMP+273.15f gives room temperature.
You can edit these, I put the names used in the comments in the source code and in the wiki in parentheses, but those aren't their real names. Their names were never changed, the wrong names were just put in those.
color (colour)
advection (advec)
collision (collid)
diffusion (diffus)
falldown (fal)
flammable (burn)
explosive (exp)
meltable (mel)
hardness (hrd)
enabled (m)
menusection (section)
heat (h)
hconduct (ins)
I was going to update the wiki with more of these properties and what has changed, but I got an error when I hit the save button and forgot to copy what I did. I might update it again sometime soon with the correct names and update some other stuff too.
@Videogamer555 (View Post)
Properties has some special properties, like if it is conductive. These are the properties:
TYPE_PART 0x0001 //1 Powders
TYPE_LIQUID 0x0002 //2 Liquids
TYPE_SOLID 0x0004 //4 Solids
TYPE_GAS 0x0008 //8 Gasses (Includes plasma)
TYPE_ENERGY 0x0010 //16 Energy (Thunder, Light, Neutrons etc.)
PROP_CONDUCTS 0x0020 //32 Conducts electricity
PROP_BLACK 0x0040 //64 Absorbs Photons (not currently implemented or used, a photwl attribute might be better)
PROP_NEUTPENETRATE 0x0080 //128 Penetrated by neutrons
PROP_NEUTABSORB 0x0100 //256 Absorbs neutrons, reflect is default
PROP_NEUTPASS 0x0200 //512 Neutrons pass through, such as with glass
PROP_DEADLY 0x0400 //1024 Is deadly for stickman
PROP_HOT_GLOW 0x0800 //2048 Hot Metal Glow
PROP_LIFE 0x1000 //4096 Is a GoL type
PROP_RADIOACTIVE 0x2000 //8192 Radioactive
PROP_LIFE_DEC 0x4000 //2^14 Life decreases by one every frame if > zero
PROP_LIFE_KILL 0x8000 //2^15 Kill when life value is <= zero
PROP_LIFE_KILL_DEC 0x10000 //2^16 Kill when life value is decremented to <= zero
To make someting conductive set the properties to 0x4020 or 0x4024.
To set menusection, use a number. Electronics is 1 and Special is 9, don't use walls, gol, or tools, they don't work. There is no way to set where an element appears in the row, it is decided by the element id's in order.
@Videogamer555 (View Post)
To combine them, just add the hex numbers together. If you wanted something to be solid and liquid, do 0x0006. If you wanted something to be deadly and have hot glow, use 0x0C00, because 8+4 = C. If you wanted something to be a solid conductive black radioactive lifedecrease, do 0x6064 to combine them.
There is no way to read the current properties of an element, just look in the source code.